About us


Welcome to Mindful Eats! My name is Georgia, and my journey into conscious eating began at the age of 25, amidst a daunting health crisis. Despite my diligent gym routines and what I believed to be a wholesome diet, centered around high-protein foods like many others, I was blindsided by a cancer diagnosis. It was a wake-up call that propelled me towards a profound transformation, not only for immediate treatment but for a lifetime commitment to wellness.

In my journey for healing and vitality, I delved into the realm of mindful eating, discovering its remarkable benefits. Through extensive research and personal experience, I became impassioned about spreading the wisdom of how embracing conscious nourishment can truly revolutionize your life.

Here at Mindful Eats, we're dedicated to sharing that knowledge and offering a sanctuary for those seeking vibrant health and holistic well-being. Each sip and bite is crafted with care, sourced from nature's purest bounty, to empower you on your journey towards optimal wellness. Join myself and Anita at markets around England, embracing the transformative power of mindful eating – because every choice we make today shapes the vitality of our tomorrows.


Having been in the fitness industry for many years as a personal trainer I have always advised all my clients on nutrition as well as helping them achieve their fitness goals. Since doing such a physically demanding job I have realised the immense value of fruit and vegetables daily to keep me energised, strong and able to do 7 or 8 PT sessions a day as well as look after my family. I find juicing these fruits and vegetables the easiest way to consume a diverse range of nutritious products. Also as a Mum of three grown up children, thankfully the ageing process hasn’t been something that I have found hard. I actually have more energy now than I did in my 20s and I believe that this is a lot to do with the vegetable and fruit juices I consume daily. The human body responds to what you ingest. I truly believe that food is medicine, and this medicine is the vitamins and minerals you obtain from fresh , natural produce.

My advice as a Mum is to increase the amount of raw food your children consume. These days children consume too much processed sugary foods and unfortunately, they contain so many preservatives and additives which are so detrimental to your children’s health. As my children were growing up, I always made sure they had the right nutrients through fruit and vegetables for them to thrive mentally and physically. All children love juice, so I found juicing the best way for my children to get their nutrients. Georgia and I have created our company - Mindful Eats to enable everyone to have access to vital nutrients through juices and healthy snacks in the simplest and tastiest way possible. We sell our freshly made juices and nutritious snacks around the UK at variety of food fairs and markets and look forward to seeing you soon.